welcome to alex's website/journal i guess


18th of January of 2025

My Stupid Plane Adventure: Devlog 2

Okay, so my game is somewhat going well. The plane moves. And shoots useless bullets. ALthough the bullets function somewhat. Anyway, later in the night I'll probably continue writing about the concepts of the game.

12th of January of 2025

My Weird Quirky Multiplayer Adventure: Devlog 3.

Uhm... I think I'm stopping the development of this temporarily, 'cause, it's too hard to develop, in general. I mean, you think I got time with my damn school and everything? NO BITCH. And so, I'm going to develop another simpler game instead of this, and leave this idea for later, probably after I finish this one. So I announce, from today onwards:

My Stupid Plane Adventure: Devlog 1.

Best part is, since I have no intention of releasing this, I am able to just start talking a lot about what I wanna do about my damn game. So, yeah, I'll be writing a lot more than before about the proyect.

5th of January of 2025 (2)

My Weird Quirky Multiplayer Platformer Adventure. Devlog 2:

Yesterday, I continued working on the game, implementing the collisions and all the vertical physics, with jumping and all of that. I also put imput buffering which is great. I didn't do it myself because I'm following Peyton Burnham's platformer tutorial, though, I will probably have to start thinking how to code things myself like I did before, because there's a lot of things I wanna implement that have no tutorial, cause tutorials can only get me so far.

I also feel really fearful of anyone stealing my idea. People probably don't read this site so much, but thinking that maybe one of my ideas can end in a patent somewhere and then I can't make my game anymore is just terrifying.

I really hate patents. Patents are a way of people to establish a monopoly over ideas. Thing is, unlike other kinds of property, like real estate or objects, ideas can come to anyone, with zero effort. You shouldn't get a monopoly on something because of being the first person to think about it.

Imagine this, the first person who made fire got a patent on how to make fire. Well, it's an absurd example, but if it worked like today, we would be more than a hundred years without fire until it reached public domain. Patents just sicken me, and the fact that, in medical fields for example, they spend more money developing similar meds just to destroy competition, than on the actual medicine, it's horrible. It's inneficient, it's stupid, it destroys creativity and grinds my damn gears.

3rd of January of 2025

My Weird Quirky Multiplayer Platformer Adventure (Not the title of the game). Devlog 1:

So, remember the start of this blog? I think it was the 30th last month that I said I would make a multiplayer platformer. So yeah, I started, and I hope I can finish this. I'm already much better than all the rest times I tried to make a game, after all, I made a great physics system, at least, the horizontal part. It finally moves smoothly, and stops smoothly. I loved making it, and it felt so damn good when it finally worked. I worked really hard in it, just for a block of code. A DAMN BLOCK OF CODE.

My father would say "oh do it with chatgpt" IT DIDN'T DO WHAT I DID AND WHAT I WANTED SO HAHA I OUTSMARTED IT

this is all i did if you want to copy that part of the code.

in step event:

In Step Event

in create event:

In Create Event

You can just set the objacceleration to 1, because that's what I am using, I'm just making the objmass variable to diferentiate between different size characters, like weight in Mario Kart.
make sure the objbreakacc and the objacceleration are a completion of the other, so like m * obj_acceleration - n * objbreakacc = 0, n and m being any rational number.